Mar 31, 2006

it's still because of you

She had the song of Kelly Clarkson in her head -- while eating breakfast, in the shower, on her way to work. It was a last song syndrome, triggered by a tv show from the previous night. She liked the song since she first heard it on the radio. She particularly likes the way kelly clarkson did it.

The tune was humming in her head again as she starts the day's work. And it crept back as she walked out of her office building. She sang the chorus silently to herself, "because of you i never stray too far from the sidewalk."

Suddenly, the song had words for her. The words had meaning and it was piercing in her heart… It wasn’t just a tune humming in her head anymore. It’s now a thud in her chest. It's not just a song about a girl -- some stranger whose disappointments echo erupting fears and pains. It was now her song.

Not all wounds heal. But life does move on and there is hope. She prayed hard. Harder than she’s prayed in years. She likes to pray sometimes. It gives her hope. It’s a pat on the back, saying that things will get better. And she talks back, “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”

here to listen to kelly clarkson's because of you at

1 comment:

bunggay said...

song ko din yan....hehe