Mar 12, 2006

Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz

i bought the Gorillaz album as soon as i heard Clint Eastwood. i memorized the lyrics and i even remember bits of it when i hear the song. i’ve always wondered why this title. but i never wondered what the lyrics meant. i didn’t bother. explains:
The lyrics address in part the eclectic mix Gorillaz offers, how they can move you and shake up the world despite not being real 'all in your head' (an added dimension to this is that Del [Tha Funkee Homosapien] is rapping in the persona of a ghost in Russel's head, so he is 'not quite real' even with respect to the cartoon Gorillaz world. It's also swaggeringly self-aggrandising. And with beats like this, and a plaintive harmonica that sounds just right, who could argue. The title was chosen because the track sounded a bit like parts of the scores to Clint Eastwood's 'Dollars' films, according to Tom Girling and Jason Cox (titles were added and discarded in a free flowing manner during the process of making the album as songs evolved into each other, and collections of ideas were brought together), however Damon [Albarn] has also stated in an interview that it was also a nod to an old reggae star who went by the name of Clint Eastwood (reggae star Lee 'Scratch' Perry and The Upsetters also recorded an album of this name).

hmm… this should be fun…

photos from the official gorillaz fansite,
know the band. check the site and be entertained by their biography...

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