Mar 10, 2006

HRDS Update (January 2006)

this is the front page of the hrds update i made for january 2006 (new layout). i've written the initial issues in 2003. in 2004 the task was distributed to the three hrds divisions so i only had to make them every three months. by 2005, other senior staff from my division were tasked to write the update so i've had to do it less often. i think my most recent update was in January 2005.

the layout has always been very simple -- a far cry from the one shown here. then, it was just a write-up of hrds' monthly acomplishments and activities in a long bond paper. i've tried spicing it up through changes in the titles, the borders and the "HRDS Update" logo, and making it a bit more readable by using two columns.

lately, submissions have been made way past the deadliest mark. (i think the november 2005 issue was submitted in february 2006!) now its march 2006 and i'm guilty of following the trend. my assignment is january 2006 and i'm just printing the final version. not totally my fault -- i've had to wring the neck of co-workers to give me the info i need.

but i've made changes... spicier changes... changes that more than made up for the late submission. (the bosses liked it and did not complain at all).

see for yourself. click the image to see the front page in full view.
click here to see the rest.


credits for the HRDS Update January 2006 issue: write-up of "HRDS gains ground in 2005" courtesy of the HRDS CY 2005 report (executive summary) written by jet; forest fire training photo courtesy of alex; some titles edited with the help of danee; proofreading by ma'am fil and ate marie; and of course, my very special thanks to ate jean and her gang, the quick response team. (mwahahahahaaa!)

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