Jul 4, 2007

this blog is best viewed in any browser

if you have visited this blog prior to this post, you would have immediately noticed the changes in my title bar. here's the story...

All browsers support the internet, and this internet site supports all browsersi was recently pointed towards the website of the Viewable With Any Browser Campaign and realized that this is exactly what i was referring to when i blogged about the html problems in my title bar.

here's the idea:

"Anyone who slaps a 'this page is best viewed with Browser X' label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network."

so i joined the anybrowser forum and consulted with a subject-matter expert. his/her take on the matter (basically):

"The problem stems from your use of the marquee: it's a Microsoft-only tag, i.e it's NOT approved HTML - so Internet Exploiter is (I think) the only browser that fully supports it. It doesn't look that great in FF... it almost works... but not quite. It looks ok in Opera. In IE it looks great!

I think that simply deleting the marquee section would ADD to (rather than detract from) the overall quality of your blog - and free you up to concentrate on the content, rather than the presentation."

--Daily Llama

i therefore opted to drop the marquee. i'd rather work hard on presenting my blog in a way that adds interest to the content itself, rather than detract from it. so now i can (i hope) place the proud little button in my sidebar links, declaring this blog as viewable with any browser!

All browsers support the internet, and this internet site supports all browsers

oh, and by the way, i also recently revamped the sidebar to update my blogroll and links. i'm also in the process of organizing my multiply account as my online photo/music/video album. my next project: conquering blogger beta.


Kyle Domingo said...
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Kyle Domingo said...

Browser compatibility is a very difficult problem that many designers have come accross (including me). I'm glad that there are people advocating cross-browser compatibility of websites.

BTW, marquees are for n00bs so don't use it ever. :D

If you want to see the world's worst webpages, you can go here

Good thing that M$ is now trying to standardize their formats [at least for M$ office going Open XML]

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