Sep 12, 2006

rockstar supernova week 10

photos from links point to video performances at mp3 downloads available at

tomorrow is week 11 and i just got to have something for week 10. i was unable watch this episode simply because work had to come first. so how do i find out what happened? i tried reading the recap from reality thumbnails but it was piercingly bitter with all the dilana bashing.

(funny how this girl sarah -- who sounds like a pop fan by the way -- keeps dissing dilana without realizing she's falling into the same trap dilana has. and i don't think she'll be able climb back the way dilana did.)

so who do i turn to for reliable recap/review of RS:SN events?

1. videos (i usually use the videos uploaded by outofboredom who uses videos and Craz1NF who uploads even the reality shows and actual eliminations.)

2. dave navarro's 6767 blog

3. spoliers from

so... no episode recaps for me... but i'll lead you to the links that i actually read...

episode guide from - so worth it if you wanna hear it from a true rock fan's perspective who saw the show live, or if you wanna read it ahead of the actual show. great photos too! i can't get a direct link to this week's spoiler so i'm linking this to the whole episode guide.

The Tuesday Show and Elimination Time - dave navarro blogs about the performances and his thoughts on the coming eliminations

after viewing the videos at youtube, here's my verdict. all the cover songs are unfamiliar to me so i equally didn't enjoy them all that much. magni's and toby's performances were great, but i just have to agree with dave that they don't have enough edge to capture this fan.

i was pleasantly surprised with dilana's supersoul. i guess i should expect a lot of people to misunderstand, but for some reason, i know where she's coming from and i admire her for her honesty and courage. ( i better make sure i get my votes through to keep dilana from getting eliminated)

lukas' headspin was really soulful and captivating. i don't get though why he'd sing it again for the bottom 3 performance. wasn't he prepared? still, nothing but love for lukas!

storm's was the best overall performance. her original unexpectedly matches my feminist stance and it allowed me to see right through her. very honest and courageous too. and even more honest and courageous is her bottom three performance, which is my mostest favoritest performance from her. i'd have probably shed a tear like jason did had i actually watched this episode. ironic that storm had to leave while she's at her best...

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