Sep 23, 2006

ligwakan at laglagan na -- part II

sweet veangeance,
the ynseng way

ligwakan at laglagan na part II

From "How to Work for an Idiot Boss"

The Machiavellian Boss

Diagnosis: Smart, shrewd and ruthless. MB's believe the chair at the top of corporate ladder is theirs by divine right. An MB will rip out your heart, slap it in your hand and say, "Nothing personal."

Care and Feeding: Approach with utmost caution. Consider a transfer.


Exerpt from "21 Types of Bosses" by Melanie Joy Douglas

The Screamer Boss
The screamer boss seems to think that he will get his way if he raises his voice to an unconscionable level: the higher the volume, the higher the commitment. How does a screamer end up a boss? Some clueless hiring managers equate screaming with managerial skill. All in all, screamers just want to know that they’re being heard, and they want recognition. If you can get along with your screamer boss, and gain his respect and trust, perhaps you can help guide him to lower tones.

The Manipulator Boss
Also known as the Machiavellian boss, this type is extremely intelligent and one of the most dangerous. The manipulator boss is highly focused, very motivated, and always has a secret plan. He looks at people as a means to an end. The world is a giant pyramid and the apex is his. People he touches or runs over on the way to the top are casualties he writes off. If you work for a manipulator, watch your back. Your best bet is to be open and honest with him. Volunteer information. Your boss, who has long forgotten what truth is, will be left impressed by it.

The Idiot Boss
The idiot boss is characterized by cluelessness and stupidity. It’s as if he just walked into the office yesterday and started running it. Your choices here can be limited. Doing nothing will leave you embittered, but what can you do when you can’t change an idiot? Well, you can change your reaction. The world is full of idiots in charge, but don’t let it get you down. Do your personal best, and realize that in some way, your boss serves a purpose. Figure out what it is.


Ten Signs of an Incompetent Leader
1. Delegates work rather than balancing work loads. This allows all attention to be diverted from them in case of failure.
2. Reduces answers to Yes or No rather than explaining their reasoning.
3. Cannot separate personal life from professional life. Their personal problems come to work with them.
4. Is a crisis manager not a planner.
5. Humiliates subordinates within a group.
6. Creates an environment where mistakes are unacceptable.
7. Will not stand behind subordinates when they fail.
8. Encourages hard workers, not smart workers.
9. Judges people on hours not performance.
10.Will act differently in front of their leaders.

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