Oct 15, 2007

Biodiversity is LIFE itself

i found an old CD disseminated by the ASEAN Regional Center for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) in 2005. The video is old, considering that ARCBC is now called ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB). But the issues are still the same: we need to conserve our biodiversity. I hope that through these videos, I could somehow help get the message across.

Coral reefs need your help now!

The environment needs your help now!

Money can't be eaten

Extinction is FOREVER!

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

1 comment:

jayce said...

i wonder why some people are so damn environmentally irresponsible! it's depressing to see that the place where we live in is deteriorating right in front our faces. i wish we can do something bigger than just being literate and aware of what's happening in our environment.