Oct 27, 2006

better than kitkat (almost)

dedicated to everyone who deserves a little break from the stressful overworked-and-underpaid routine...

Oct 20, 2006

ynseng recommends: chewy

he's back!

see for yourself and get a good laugh!

Oct 17, 2006

rose bleed

sometimes, you realize too late that some friends are not friends at all.

you're glad to have someone to share your thoughts with. you confide your doubts and fears and lean in the comfort of their understanding.

you at least expect them to defend you when challenged to switch loyalties.

no excuses for cowards, though. apparently, she wasn't really a friend.

Oct 10, 2006

the new coke commercial

i'm trying to resist the urge to blog (finals week na kasi)
but this one is worth the indulgence...

pardon the bahasa ending. i couldn't find the pinoy version.