jessie obediently stays in his huge cell during the day when we have to leave the house for work. he can run around the house at night when we’re home. and run around the house he goes, covering every corner as if trying to make up for all the lying around the whole day in his cell. sometimes during weekends, when mama doesn’t mind cleaning up his heavy shedding, he’d be allowed inside the whole day.
just one call of jessie’s name and he would sprint towards you, hoping to get a good dose of petting under his ears or in his belly. just a hint of playfulness and he’ll match it with his moves. if you have the slightest feeling of boredom or depression, you can count on jessie to rub some bubbly energy on you.
we realized how much we deeply love this mutt when he got sick – so sick he almost died. it was new year’s eve and jessie was not in his usual naughty self. he wouldn’t eat all day and would even vomit what small amount of food we made him eat. the next day, the first of january 2006, he moved bowels of stinky blood. he was obviously in a lot of pain and couldn’t even stand up and walk. his eyes showed a pitiful sadness, filled with pain. we immediately brought him to the nearest veterinary hospital.
it was a bad case of parvo virus, an infection that recently killed several dogs according to the vet. jessie was so weak he didn’t even budge at the needles poking in his veins. none were the typical snarls at every stranger. my mother and i were all choked up as we tried to sweet talk jessie into getting well.
mama was loaded with guilt for initially teasing jessie that lying still and staying quiet was much better behavior to his usual mischief. and i was not any less guilty. i didn’t insist on getting that third shot of vaccine. if he died (a real possibility at the time) i would’ve cried a bucket of tears.
thankfully, jessie was back home after a week. he is as energetic now as he was when we first got him. and he’s finally had that last vaccine.
on the 4th of july, jessie will turn ONE, and I’m turning 28. guess who’ll have a bigger birthday bash?! a way advanced happy birthday to you jessie, and many many more photos to come!